If there is no response from the Chief Executive Officer and General Manager within 5 working days, or if the customer is still not satisfied with the response, the customer may write to the Banking Ombudsman, a statutory body appointed by the Reserve Bank of India to look into the provision of satisfactory service by banks.
The Reserve Bank of India has appointed a Banking Ombudsman, who can be approached for redressing customer grievances if they have not already been redressed by the DBIL . On November 12th,2021 the integrated Banking Ombudsman Scheme was launched, the salient features of the Scheme are as follows, and the following conditions will apply before the Integrated Ombudsman can be approached:
A copy of the Integrated Ombudsman Scheme along with the addresses of its centres in the various cities can be procured from the Branch Managers. Or to know more about the Integrated Ombudsman Scheme.
If you are not satisfied with our grievance redressal, you may take up the matter with Banking Ombudsman by registering your complaint at https//cms.rbi.org.in OR
call toll freee number 14448 (currently available from 9:30 am to 5:15 pm on working days) in Hindi, English and nine regional languages (Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Odia, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu). OR
write to the Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre’ (CRPC) set up at RBI, 4th Floor, Sector 17, Chandigarh - 160017.
A copy of the Integrated Ombudsman Scheme along with the addresses of its centers in the various cities can be procured from the Branch Managers. Or you can visit the link or for Hindi - refer this link
To know the salient features of the integrated ombudsman scheme visit:
If you are not satisfied with our grievance redressal, you may contact the Banking Ombudsman. (Contact details for Banking Ombudsman Offices)
RBI does not have any arrangement with any entity for redress of grievances against the Regulated Entities (REs). RBI has laid down a cost-free grievance redress mechanism under RB-IOS which does not involve payment of fees or charges in any form or manner. Customers having grievances against REs for deficiency in services, which is not redressed satisfactorily or in a timely manner by the REs can directly lodge their complaint on the Complaint Management System (CMS) portal (https://cms.rbi.org.in/) or by e-mail at [email protected] or in physical mode at the ‘Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre’ (CRPC) set up at RBI, 4th Floor, Sector 17, Chandigarh - 160017.
Complainants having queries on RB-IOS or desiring information relating to their complaints lodged through the above methods, can reach the Contact Centre of RBI at toll-free #14448 (currently available from 9:30 am to 5:15 pm on working days) in Hindi, English and nine regional languages (Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Odia, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu). The status of complaints can also be tracked on the CMS portal.
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