DBS Internet Banking is available to all DBS Bank Savings customers. Don't wait, come and see us now: internet-banking.retail.dbsbank.in
For the latest information on fees, please refer to our Rates & Fees page.
Currently, DBS Internet Banking comes with limited services and we are working on adding more functionalities. However we encourage you to experience DBS Bank through mobile app.
Following features are not available over DBS Internet Banking Channel. You can perform all the transactions as available in the digibank app except the following:
To register for DBS Bank e-wallet, you simply need to provide your name, date of birth, email address, mobile phone number, and city. To open a DBS Bank Savings, all you need to do is an online verification using Aadhaar OTP and PAN. That’s it!
In both cases, you need to be an Indian resident who is at least 18 years old.