Avail Personal Loans if your need money urgently. Know the Features.
There could be times in life when you may need money urgently. A loved one could be battling a medical condition, or you may need funds for business expansion. In such situations, it can be challenging to arrange lumpsum cash in a short period if you do not know where to look. Instead of worrying, you should consider the options ahead of you. The most obvious choice is to take a Personal Loan. Here's how a Personal Loan can prove helpful if you need financial help immediately.
A Personal Loan is a type of unsecured loan, i.e., the lender does not ask you to pledge any collateral. This loan gives you access to cash almost instantly, especially when you need money urgently. You can even apply for it online and get the funds in your account within 4 to 48 hours. These attributes make a Personal Loan the easiest-to-acquire loan.
Instead of wondering who can help me with money urgently, consider applying for a Personal Loan. Here's why
You do not need to bother with unending documentation processes. Just visit the lender's website, check the loan amount you are eligible for, and fill the online loan application form. Also, submit scanned copies of your PAN, ID Proof, Address Proof, Monthly Income Proof, and Latest Bank Statements.
You can repay your loan in easy Equated Monthly Instalments, in tenures lasting up to five years. So, if you need money urgently and wish to repay it at your own pace, a Personal Loan is the best option. You can even use Personal Loan EMI Calculator to check the estimated EMI amount before applying for the loan.
The last thing you need when you need financial help immediately is to worry about the various costs associated with loans. Thankfully, banks are upfront about all the charges associated with the loan, and you can even adjust these costs with your loan amount. Remember to read the loan document carefully or consult your loan officer for any charges associated with the loan.
As mentioned earlier, banks sanction and disburse loans in the shortest time possible. They simply access your documents and credit scores (which should be above 600 points) to approve your loan. Once your loan is approved, the bank directly credits the loan amount into your savings account. This proves incredibly beneficial when you need money urgently.
So, the next time you find yourself asking, "who can help me with money urgently" consider approaching your bank for a Personal Loan. The Personal Loan allows you to tend to your financial emergencies at competitive interest rates, making it the best source of funds during contingencies.
Download the digibank mobile app on your smartphone. Launch the app and click on the "Get Personal Loan" link on the login page.
*Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes only. We recommend you get in touch with your income tax advisor or CA for expert advice.