Economics Weekly: US Inflation Cools Slightly, Reviving Soft-Landing Hopes
US: CPI inflation brings relief rally over the Fed’s last mile on inflation. Core inflation cooled to 0.3% m/m in April after holding at 0.4% for three months. The energy component saw the bigg...
Chief Investment Office - Hong Kong17 May 2024
  • US: Core inflation cools to 0.3% m/m in April after holding at 0.4% for three months, providing relief that the Fed’s last mile towards its 2% inflation target may become less complicated
  • Japan: 1Q GDP shrinks -2.0% in weaker-than-expected result with private consumption registering the fourth straight quarter of decline
  • China: PBOC keeps key policy rate unchanged; fixed asset investments projected to increase on government support for equipment renewal in advanced manufacturing sectors
  • India: April CPI moderates slightly as expected; with 1Q24 GDP growth suggesting c.7% y/y print is within reach, India’s growth prospects are firm
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US: CPI inflation brings relief rally over the Fed’s last mile on inflation. Core inflation cooled to 0.3% m/m in April after holding at 0.4% for three months. The energy component saw the biggest increase at 1.1%, shelter inflation remained at 0.4% m/m. Advance retail sales were unchanged in April vs the consensus for a 0.4% m/m increase; the March figure was revised to 0.6% from 0.7%. On their own, these numbers still point to relatively firm price pressures. In our view, the shelter component may need to disinflate before core CPI can trend lower. At the very least, it does not look as if inflation is re-accelerating. The miss in retail sales is arguably a greater point of concern, but we take a nuanced view on this – retail sales figures are notoriously volatile, and a single print should not be taken as a clear signal that the US is slowing. That said, it does add to a string of recent downside data surprises in the US.

The above data are consistent with Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s recent comment that inflation would decline again on a monthly basis, and that monetary policy was restrictive and working to weigh on consumer spending. Last Thursday’s (9 May) unexpected surge in initial jobless claims also aligned with Powell’s view that demand for workers was cooling and a recent New York Fed survey that consumers had depleted their surplus pandemic savings.

Overall, the Fed needs inflation to keep cooling on a monthly basis to gain sufficient confidence for inflation to return to the 2% inflation target. Until then, we see the Fed reducing the three rate cuts it projected in March at the June Federal Open Market Committee meeting. We forecast the Fed delivering two rate cuts in the second half of this year.

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