Hybrid Schemes or balanced schemes bridge the gap between equity and debt schemes. This category is characterized by a portfolio that is made up of a mix of equity stocks and bonds and will suit investors looking for debt plus returns with higher levels of risk than fixed income schemes.
Safety plus income
Reliable investment that provides income and modest capital appreciation
Portfolio diversification
Diversification over a range of instruments lowers the potential risk of your investment
Expert insights
Take advantage of professional fund managers’ expertise
Important Notice
This publication is for general circulation only. It does not form part of any offer or recommendation, or have any regard to the investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person. Before committing to an investment, please seek advice from a financial or other professional adviser regarding the suitability of the product for you and read the relevant product offer documents, including the risk disclosures, which can be obtained from DBS Bank India Limited. If you do not wish to seek financial advice, please consider carefully whether the product is suitable for you.
For Unit Trusts, the value of the units and the income, if any, may fall or rise. Any past performance or projection, prediction or forecast of results is not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance. The prices of securities within a portfolio may be influenced by political and economic conditions, changes in interest rates, the earnings of the corporations whose securities are comprised in the portfolio, and the market’s perception of the securities.