
Decades of global pursuit of economic growth has led to increasingly severe climate change-linked phenomena. We believe that this problem presents several investment opportunities as the rising demand for climate change solutions propel innovative companies to transition the world to be greener and more sustainable.

These innovative companies could enjoy multiple decades of growth and one way to get exposure would be through a fund investing in companies that enable mitigation of climate change or provide adaptation solutions for climate change.


Key Characteristics of Fund

  • The Fund invests in shares issued by companies with business in activities focused on enabling the adaptation to, or mitigation of, climate change.
  • Active portfolio of 50 to 80 holdings; relatively diversified across market caps, geographical locations and sectors.
  • Meaningful exposure to mid-cap stocks where high growth innovative climate solutions companies tend to fall under..
  • Sub-managed by Impax AM, a firm with a strong multidisciplinary team of specialists and a long history of managing Environmental Strategies.

Fund Managers

BNP Paribas Asset Management and their partner Impax are the fund managers. Their dedication to the space, widely diversified opportunity sets, and long demonstrable track records places them in good stead to navigate through a complex sector that is easily misjudged.

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