As part of our commitment to advance the Sustainable Development Goals, we have developed the DBS Green Bond Framework (Framework) that sets out the guidelines for Green Bond issuances at DBS in accordance with the four core components of The Green Bond Principles 2017 issued by the International Capital Market Association. We have obtained a second opinion on the Framework from Sustainalytics, an independent environmental, social and governance (ESG) and corporate governance research, ratings and analysis firm.

In July 2017, we issued our inaugural Green Bond under the Framework. The net proceeds from the issuance will be allocated towards DBS’ financing of green projects or assets as described under the Eligibility Criteria in the Framework, with the first green assets expected to include DBS’ financing of Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, a commercial property in Singapore certified Green Mark Platinum by the Building and Construction Authority as at the date of issuance. The Green Bond is issued under DBS’ Global Medium Term Note programme.

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