Credit Profile

DBS is one of the highest rated banking groups in Asia. Our largest operations are in Singapore, the only triple-A city in the region. We have a proven earnings track record, and we are among the strongest banks regionally in liquidity, funding and capital metrics.

> Learn more in our fixed income investor presentation


Funding structure

We have two main issuing entities:

  • DBS Group Holdings Ltd (DBSH) is the non-operating holding company of DBS Bank Ltd. and primarily issues benchmark senior and capital (under Basel III)
  • DBS Bank Ltd. (DBS Bank) is our main operating entity and primarily issues commercial paper, senior and capital private placements and covered bonds
Aa2/AA- | Annual reports
Senior benchmarks
Commercial paper
DBS Bank
AA-/Aa1/AA- | Annual accounts
MTN private placements
Commercial paper
Ratings | Annual accounts
> Local market issuances

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