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Our China network continued to expand over the year. We now have eight branches and seven sub-branches across eight cities in China. Our customer base has grown by over four times since our incorporation in China.

In India, we opened two new branches bringing us to 10 branches across 10 cities, making DBS the largest Singapore-based bank, and the sixth largest foreign bank in the country. DBS India won two Business Today awards: ’India’s Best Small Bank Award’ and ’India’s Fastest Growing Small Bank Award’.
  Indonesia is one of our fastest growing franchises in terms of branches. Strong, organic growth has made DBS Indonesia one of the country’s leading foreign banks – the opening of three branches during the year gives us a total of 40 branches across 11 cities in Indonesia.

DBS Hong Kong opened its fifth Enterprise Banking Centre in Kwai Chung, bringing greater banking convenience to small and medium-sized enterprises.

DBS Taiwan expanded its DBS Treasures Centres network to five centres.