Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

Wilson Tang: Insights that sparked a new career

Wilson Tang, formerly Chief Director of a radio broadcast station had been elected as the “Most Welcomed Financial Programme Host” for 6 consecutive years. As an investment enthusiast, his relationship with the public was over the air, but this alienated mode of communication failed to satisfy his passion, leaving his wish to “play in the field” unfulfilled. This changed in 2013, when he joined DBS as a Senior Stock Investment Specialist.

I’ve always wanted to interact with investors face to face and share my expertise with them. The fire never extinguished in my heart. I’m glad I seized the chance and sparked my opportunity, creating a breakthrough in my life.

After joining DBS, Wilson faced new challenges and needed to adapt to the changes in his new working environment. Wilson believes that the key to stimulation at work is positive thinking and strong communication with colleagues. This enables him to think outside the box when making investment decisions.

To stimulate our work and keep ourselves motivated at all times, we need to think positively in every aspect, which sparks unlimited possibilities.

Wilson's duties at DBS is to give securities investment advice to customers, as well as manage their investment portfolios. He is required to keep a close eye on the ever-changing stock market, round-the-clock global trends, as well as the myriad of information in the media. To spark the sharpest investment decision from this multitude of data, Wilson’s key is to be selective.

We receive a huge volume of market information every day. We have to analyse it carefully, identify the main focus of everything, pick out the root cause of each problem and eliminate any noise in order to make the right decision. There is no room for negligence.

Innovation Brings Us to Higher Grounds

Following others blindly is never the right attitude when it comes to investments. Wilson understands that innovative thinking and insights are the prerequisites for an investment specialist. To achieve this, he reads extensively and in an unbiased manner to sharpen his investment instinct.

In the investment world, we must never just follow the pace of others. We have to be the first mover. We have to rely on our innovative thinking and insights.
In my previous job, I hid myself in the studio during programs. I couldn’t get in touch with the audience out there. But now, I can interact with the clients and provide them with investment strategies. That’s the greatest sense of satisfaction this job offers me.

Customers' Recognition sparks the Biggest Driving Force
From airwaves to the ground, Wilson’s career move has lit up his life, because he is now able to directly and regularly advise clients on investment strategies. Through constant interactions, Wilson receives positive feedbacks from clients. The compliments he receives for his smart advice on investments are what spark the sense of satisfaction deep down his heart.

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