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Risk Management and Risk Profile
The key components of DBS’ risk management approach are: strong risk governance; robust and comprehensive processes to identify, measure, control, monitor and report risks; sound assessments of capital adequacy relative to risks; and a rigorous system of internal control reviews involving internal and external auditors.
Under the Group’s Integrated Risk Framework, the Board of Directors, through the
Board Risk Management Committee, oversees the establishment of robust enterprise-wide risk management policies and processes, and sets risk limits to guide risk-taking within
the Group.

Management is accountable to the Board for ensuring the effectiveness of risk management and adherence to the risk appetite and target rating established by the Board. To provide risk oversight, senior management risk committees are mandated to focus on specific risk areas. These oversight committees are the Group Asset and Liability Committee, the Group Commitments and Conflicts Committee, the Group Credit Risk Committee, the Group Market Risk Committee, and the Group Operational Risk Committee.

On a day-to-day basis, business units have primary responsibility for risk management. In partnership with business units, independent control functions provide senior management with a timely assessment of key risk exposures and the associated management responses. These units also recommend risk appetite and control limits for approval in line with the Integrated Risk Framework. There are detailed policies and procedures to identify, measure, analyse and control risk across all locations where the Group has operations.

Additional information on specific risk areas can be found in the Notes to the Financial Statements and Basel II Pillar 3 Disclosures.