Markets took a breather on Monday from easing bank fears amid recession worries. DXY depreciated 0.3% to 102.9 with strong support around 102. JPY crosses rallied on improved risk appetite. Except for a weaker JPY (-0.6%), DXY components gained led by CAD (+0.6%) and CHF (0.5%), followed by GBP (0.4%) and EUR (+0.4%). Dow and S&P 500 rose by 0.6% and 0.2%, respectively. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation announced that First Citizens BancShare agreed to buy parts of Silicon Valley Bank. The Fed is reportedly mulling expanding its Bank Term Funding Program to boost liquidity and safeguard deposits, a measure that would give more time to First Republic Bank.
According to his prepared remarks, Fed Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr will testify to the Senate Banking Committee today that Silicon Valley Bank was a “textbook case of mismanagement.” Barr will seek to reassure that the banking system is sound and resilient with strong capital and liquidity and that the Fed will use its tools, when needed, to keep it that way. However, we remain wary of volatility from today’s testimony turning into a blame game between the Democrats and GOP lawmakers with the Fed also in crosshair.
US Treasury 2Y yield rose 23 bps to 4% while the 10Y yield firmed 15.4 bps to 3.53%. Apart from easing bank fears, consensus expects Friday’s US PCE deflator inflation to halve to 0.3% MoM in February from 0.6% in January and core deflator inflation to 0.4% from 0.6%. However, in year-on-year terms, headline and core inflation are expected to hold above the 2% target at 5.1% and 4.7%, respectively. Brent crude oil prices increased 4.2% to USD78.20 per barrel, its largest single-day increase since 30 December. Turkey halted oil production from Kurdistan while Russia is on track to cut crude output by 500k barrels per day to 9.5 million. China National Petroleum Corp forecasts a 6.2% increase in China’s crude oil imports to 10.8 million bpd this year. Markets will pay attention to inventory data by the American Petroleum Institute today and the US Energy Information Administration tomorrow.
Quote of the day
“So I would like to say that inflation will return to 2% soon, but we have to do it in a way that does not damage the economy any more than necessary. That’s what we are trying to do.””
Fed Governor Philip Jefferson
28 March in history
In 1935, Robert Goddard used gyroscopes to control a rocket.
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